How to Complete Q&A


This article explains the workflow learners will follow to complete a Question & Answer Assignment. Overview of how to practice Q&A questions, how to share presentations in Q&A, and how to retake Q&A responses.

To ensure the best experience possible, please follow our Basic System Requirements and Check your System Before Completing your Video Assignment.

Completing a Q&A will help you think critically on your feet and test your knowledge of a subject. You will be presented with prompts and given a set amount of time to respond. You will only have one opportunity to answer each prompt, replicating the high-stakes environment of being asked questions in a face-to-face setting. The steps below* outline how to complete this type of assignment.

For a preview of this workflow, view the video below. Please note, there is no voiceover for this video.


To view the workflows for each feature, click on the accordion below to expand the instructions. Depending on how your instructor has set up your assignment, you may not see all of the listed features.

  Start Question

When you are ready to start your Q&A assignment, you will first need to Activate the Recorder. 


Once we have been given access to your microphone and camera, you will be able to click Start Question


After clicking Start Question, the video/text question will appear and a timer will count down automatically*. You can skip the countdown and respond immediately by clicking Record

*Depending on your instructor's settings, the recording may start automatically.


timer.png Once recording, you have a limited time to respond. The time allotted is indicated at the top of the video recorder.

If finished before the time is up, click STOP in the bottom left corner of the video recorder. The video response will be submitted automatically*. 

*If your instructor has enabled retakes, then you must manually submit your response.


In most cases, you will not be allowed to pause or restart the assignment. You will have only one chance to answer each question. If needed, contact your instructor to have them reset your response.


This process continues until you have answered all the questions.

Once processed, your video responses are visible to the instructor (and your peers if peer review is enabled).


If the option for screen recording is enabled for an assignment, you will be prompted to activate your camera, microphone, and choose a screen or application to share before you can begin the Q&A question.


  Resetting Your Response

If allowed by your instructor, you are able to retake a specific question by clicking on the vertical ellipses ellipsesicon.png  located to the right of your video, then click Retake. You may also Reset Your Submission after your responses have been submitted to the assignment. If your instructor has enabled retakes, then you must manually submit your response. If you do not see the option to Submit, you will need to contact your instructor directly to have the assignment reset. 


  Peer Review

When your instructor requires peer review, you will review their peers’ video responses.

AI Feedback

Below each response, you will see AI Coach, which will provide you with a variety of pieces of feedback including your delivery metrics, tone analysis, and tips and feedback on your response. To learn more about AI Coach, click here.



Learn more about Question & Answer here.

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