Add a Video Assignment in D2L Brightspace


D2L Brightspace users: explains how to add a Video Assignment within BrightSpace.

Within Brightspace, there are 2 different methods to access the Assignments page.

Method 1 Method 2 
Click on the Video Assignment link in the Navbar. From the Video Assignment page, you can choose the type of Video Assignment you can add.

Select Assignment Type

actions.png Once you are on the Assignment List page, click the Plus icon in the lower right corner. 

Pick the video assignment type that best suits your desired outcomes. 

individual_project_icon.png Create Individual Project Learners record or upload a video of themselves presenting on a topic or demonstrating a specific skill. Learn more.
q_A_icon.png Create Q&A* Learners are presented with prompts and given a set amount of time to respond. Learn more. 
group_project_icon.png Create Group Project*  Learners work in groups toward an overall group deliverable. Learn more.  
interactive_video_icon.png Create Interactive Video* Learners watch an instructor-provided video and respond to related prompts. Learn more.

*Premium features in D2L BrightSpace.

Add Assignment to Content

In order for Learners to access the newly created Video Assignment, you will need to add it to Content. Click Content


When you click on Content, the Table of Contents will display. Click on the Add Existing Activities button.


From the dropdown, select Video Assignment.


The Add Activity box will appear. Select the desired Video Assignment to be added to the Content.

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