Device Compatibility


Lists the specific device compatibility with major features. For full system requirements, click here. Please note that the matrix below assumes you are using Chrome, Firefox or the newest version of Edge (Chromium). Virtual Classroom functions are only available via iOS Safari. For more details, see our article on Browser Compatibility.

Device Record Video Enter Virtual Classroom Screen Sharing VC Presentation Features VC Communication Features Other Features
Mac Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
PC Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

iPhone/iPad - Safari 

Yes* Yes No Yes* Yes Yes
Android/Tablet Yes* Yes No Yes* Yes Yes

*Does not include screen sharing.

Tips When Using a Mobile Device with Bongo

General Tips

  • Bongo supports major operating systems that currently receive support from their manufacturers. This includes recent versions of Mac OS, Windows, and Chrome OS, as well as recent versions of iOS and Android.
  • If you are joining with an Android device, please use the most recent version of Chrome, Microsoft Edge (Chromium) or Firefox. If you are joining using an iPhone or iPad, please use the most recent version of Safari.
  • Closeout all running applications to optimize device bandwidth.
  • Verify that your current internet speed 1Mbps using a speed checker like this website's service.

iOS/iPadOS Specific Tips

  • If using an iPad, be sure to disable the Request Desktop Website setting to prevent errors when accessing Bongo. To disable this setting, start by navigating to the system settings, select the Safari app, then toggle the Request Desktop Website setting OFF.


  • iOS 12 devices will not be able to use Bongo from within an LMS. Even if the cookie settings are correct, you still may receive an Authentication is required message. To correct this, in some LMS you may have the ability to open the assignment in a new tab, which allows iOS 12 devices to successfully launch into Bongo.
  • In rare instances, iOS users with Bluetooth headsets may have difficulties getting the recorder to recognize audio. If this happens to you, please try refreshing the page. If the issue persists, please try using your device’s built-in microphone.
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