Bongo 24.2 Release Notes


Indicates the customer-facing features and changes included in the Bongo 24.2 update, released on July 25, 2024.

Question Generation for Q&A

  • While creating Q&A assignments, instructors and administrators can now input reference learning material and Bongo will provide a list of suggested questions to include in the assignment. 5 questions are presented initially, but more can be requested.
  • Generated questions can be selected and added to the assignment as-is, or can be modified before saving the assignment.
  • If using Smart Scoring, response criteria are also generated based on the reference material provided. This criteria can also be used as-is or can be modified before saving the assignment.

Smart Scoring for Q&A

  • The Smart Scoring evaluation type has been added to the Q&A assignment type. If this evaluation type is chosen, Bongo will automatically evaluate each question response using the response criteria configured. The final score is the sum of the points earned for each question.
  • This evaluation type can be configured to publish scores automatically once the evaluation is completed, or require an instructor to review scores before publishing them.

  • Each question is worth 5 points by default, but this value can be updated if desired.
  • Questions created using the question generation process will include response criteria based on the provided reference learning material. This criteria can be used as-is or modified if desired. Manually created questions will require answer criteria to be provided if using Smart Scoring.

  • Learner responses should be 10 words or more to be effectively scored using Smart Scoring.
  • Scores are presented along with a justification for how they did or did not adhere to the response criteria. Instructors can see the scores and justifications once the evaluation is completed. Learners can see it once the scores have been published.
  • Instructors can edit the score for each question if they do not agree with the automatic evaluation.

Updated User Experience for Q&A

  • The Q&A configuration workflow has been updated to make the authoring process easier and more intuitive. The new process also allows for streamlined ways to use the new question generation and Smart Scoring features.
  • The Q&A setup process has been broken down into categories. These categories allow for an easy step by step process when creating a new assignment, an easier way to find and make edits to an existing assignment, and promotes certain settings to be easily viewable at a glance.

  • The post submission experience has been updated for both instructors and learners. This update makes the AI Coach features previously only available in the report available inline with each question response. If Smart Scoring is used, this update also provides a new view for viewing and modifying the Smart Score results for each question.

LTI 1.3 - New Copy Workflow

  • A new copy workflow has been added for integrations using the LTI 1.3 standard.
  • This new copy workflow automatically copies Bongo assignments when Bongo links in the LMS are copied, removing any need for manual copying of courses or complex managing of templates. Assignments are automatically copied when the new copy is launched by any user.
  • This updated copy workflow is available if the LTI Deep Linking standard is being used and if the LMS can send a custom context_id_history value to Bongo when launching.
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