Peer Review - Advanced Settings


Explains how to customize peer review in Individual Project, Question & AnswerGroup Project, and Interactive Video assignments using Advanced Settings

 Within advanced peer review settings, you have several options. 

To access Advanced Settings, scroll to the bottom of the assignment setup page and click Show Advanced.


On the Advanced Settings page, you can customize the peer review experience.


  1. To have the system automatically select the least reviewed submission for the learner to review, select Automatic (system selected). This ensures that reviews are equally distributed among all submissions. This option allows students to review a submission completely before advancing to their next peer.

    To allow the learner to choose the submissions they review from a drop-down menu, select Manual.

  2. To let learners review peer submissions before they submit their own, select Allow peer review before submission.
  3. To mask the reviewer's name from the submitter, check Conceal reviewer identity. Reviewers will be identified as Anonymous Review 1, 2, etc. This option does not mask any personal information included in text or video comments. 

    To mask the submitter's name from any peer reviewers, check Conceal submitter identity. This option does not mask any personal information included in submissions such as videos, documents, and meetings. 

  4. Under Number of Required Reviews, you will input the number of reviews that each student is required to submit.

    Next, to give learners the opportunity to score their peers’ videos, select Review Type and choose Five star or Assignment rubric*. Learners can give comments in addition to assigning these scores.

    *The rubric option will only be available if you are grading with a rubric. Learners will use the same rubric as you.

    If you choose Noneyou are allowing learners to only give comments for peer review (without 5 Star Ratings or Rubric Scores). If you would like to turn peer review off, simply click on the pink toggle button located on the top right corner of the Peer Review settings box.

  5. To inform learners when peer review needs to be completed, you can provide a Due Date/Time. This date will not prevent learners from accessing peer review. It's for informational purposes only.
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