Bongo 22.8 Release Notes


Indicates the customer-facing features and changes included in the Bongo 22.8 update, released on August 26, 2022.

Rich Text Instructions

Instructors can now add rich text to the Instructions and Post-Submission Instructions for
any Bongo assignment.

Rich text options include the following:

  • Heading font
  • Bold
  • Italic
  • Underline
  • Numbered lists
  • Bulleted lists
  • Aligning the text right, left, or center
  • Hyperlinks.

The character limit has been increased to allow for up to 5000 characters in both
fields. Instructors also have the ability to embed a web page to enhance their instructions.



Individual Project - Updated Auto Analysis Presentation

When accessing an individual project with Auto Analysis enabled, a new section below the instructions informs the learner that they have access to the Auto Analysis feature and gives a quick overview of the process. 

  • The Auto Analysis icon now displays a processing status while the analysis is in process to indicate to the learner that the video has finished processing and the analysis has begun.
  • Users can now hover over the Auto Analysis icon to view some quick statistics from the analysis. This view provides multiple different metrics along with a quick indicator denoting if that is an area that can be improved in future attempts. The full report can still be accessed by clicking on the icon.



Updated Video Thumbnails

Video thumbnails have been updated with a new layout that displays more of the preview, as well as including the video duration. The new thumbnail also indicates the processing status when adding videos to an individual or group project.


Added Screen Recording Guidance

A new section has been added when recording a video in individual and group projects, which provides some guidance on how to effectively record a screen. This new section also provides a link to documentation for further help with recording a screen.


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