Downloading your Virtual Classroom Meeting Recording


Describes how to download your Virtual Classroom Meeting Recording, how to extract the contents of the download, and how to play the downloaded recording on your computer.

How to Download Your Meeting File

To download your recorded meeting, start by clicking on the vertical ellipses located next to your recorded meeting.


Then click DownloadThe recorded meeting will be assembled into a single compressed (.zip) file, and will then be downloaded to the default file location on your computer.


How to Extract the Meeting .zip File

After downloading your meeting file, you will need to extract the file to view the contents of the folder.

Windows Mac

After your file has finished downloading, you will need to click on the Up-Arrow next to the file.


Next, click Show in folder.


You will need to right-click on the downloaded .zip file, and then select Extract All.


After the .zip file has been extracted, you will be able to view the contents in the file folder.


Play your Downloaded Meeting Recording

Locate the playrecording.html file in the extracted file folder, and then open this file to play the downloaded recording in your default browser.

Windows Mac

File Folder Contents

The downloaded meeting file is made up of many pieces including the audio recordings, webcam recordings, screen share recordings, the chat log, any uploaded files, the presentation slides and any annotations on top of the presentation. There will also be .mp4 files included that contain the audio, cameras, and screen share recordings, but do not contain all the meeting information and are not intended to be used alone.

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