Bongo 23.5 Release Notes


Indicates the customer-facing features and changes included in the Bongo 23.5 update, released on December 14, 2023.

Updated Group Project Experience

  • The Group Project workflow has been updated to match the experience of Individual Project. This includes the updated submission workflow introduced to Individual Project earlier this year. Additionally, some group project features have been updated to fit with the updated experience. This includes an updated view for meetings and milestones, and an updated view for providing team evaluations.

AI Coach Improvements

Various improvements have been made to the AI Coach and Smart Score features:

  • Messaging improvements have been made intended to better inform users of the AI settings of a given assignment
  • Auto Analysis scores are now disabled for all users when Smart Scoring is enabled. This is to reduce confusion between the Auto Analysis score and the Smart Score. All Auto Analysis metrics and features are still available in this case.
  • Backend improvements have been made to improve reliability of AI features
  • The tone example generation has been improved
  • Various other small tweaks and changes have been made based on user feedback
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